Geology and Mineralization of the Tchaikazan River Area Southwestern British Columbia (92O/4)
This paper presents preliminary results of bedrock mapping in the Taseko Lakes area. This work represents part of a Master’s project funded by International Jaguar Equities (JAG), NWC Exploration Inc. and the University of British Columbia. Fieldwork was completed over two summers; two months of reconnaissance mapping in 1998 and two and a half months of more detailed 1:15 000-scale mapping in 1999. Emphasis was placed upon regional and local structure, their roles in localizing gold and copper mineralization, and their larger scale tectonic significance. More specifically the goals of the 1999 field season were to:
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Geology of the Maggie Property , Indian River Area , Southwestern British Columbia
The property consists of 84 units in I I claims, staked in 1976 by H. Hopkins after finding copper-lead-zinc mineralization (Clendenan and Pentland, 1979). Since 1977, work by International Maggie Mines Ltd. and Placer Developrnent Limited (now Placer Dome Inc.) has included mapping, trenching, 78 drill holes tot:alling 8005 metres, and two short adits with drifts followinf; mineralization (Dru...
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متن کاملMineralization, Alteration and Structure of the Taseko Lakes Region (NTS 092O/04), Southwestern British Columbia: Preliminary Analysis
This two-year re search pro ject will in ves ti gate the char ac ter is tics of the volcanoplutonic ar chi tec ture and as so ci ated por phyry-epi ther mal min er al iza tion in the Taseko Lakes re gion, lo cated in south west ern Brit ish Co lum bia (Fig 1). The study will in te grate de tailed geo log i cal, struc tural and al ter ation map ping, pe trol ogy, iso tope geo chem is try and geo...
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The East Harrison Lake belt (EHLB) refers to a northwest-trending belt of rocks occurring to the east of Harrison Lake in southwest British Columbia (Figure 1) which is currently the focus of exploration for ultramafic-related Cu-Ni (PGE). The geology of the EHLB will also be summarized as a 1: 50 000-scale compilation map (Ash et al., in preparation) incorporating both published and unpublishe...
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